Monday, September 21, 2009

The Amazing God Ordained Day

It's 7:00 pm on Sunday evening and I am home. I had planned to be in church. Sunday night services are always incredible and I hate when I miss them. For some reason I have been quite tired today. I went to our Prime Time Class and Celebration Live Service this morning and later this afternoon I sat down to read the Sunday paper. My eyes got tired and I dozed off and didn't wake up until it was too late to go to church. I couldn't believe how long I had slept sitting up on my loveseat.

I was reminded of another time in my life when I was extremely exhausted. I didn't think I could make it through the day but that day ended up being one of the most amazing God ordained days of my life.

Don was the pastor of a small church in Packwood. I was very pregnant with Valerie. I had been up all night with 2 yr. old Sandra, who had the stomach flu. About 6:00 a.m. she finally went to sleep and I was faced with an unusually busy Saturday ahead of me. I knew if I lay down I would never get everything accomplished.

Don had left at 4:00 am for his paper route and when he returned home he would need to prepare for Sunday services. We had a missionary family coming for the morning service and they would be having lunch with us. The house had to be cleaned, the food prepared, the soiled sheets and clothes washed, everyone's Sunday clothes ironed and I was too tired to know where to start. I made myself an egg and piece of toast and sat down at the kitchen table to eat. "God, please give me supernatural strength for today so I can get all my responsibilities accomplished," I prayed when I blessed the food.

About 7 am I was gathering up the dirty clothes and loading the washing machine when I heard a quiet knock on the door. Sis. Hanson, one of our senior citizens was standing at the door with a couple of bags. "I saw your light on and wanted to bring these over before you got too busy today," she said. "I woke up early and was in a baking mood. I thought you could use these for lunch tomorrow." The bags held two apple pies and home made dinner rolls. I gave her a hug and told her she was God-sent.

Before I got back to the washing machine, the telephone rang. Bro. Morton, another senior citizen from our church was on the line. "Sis. Hintz, when my wife was having her devotions this morning she felt the Lord told her to do some ironing for you today. I'll be over in a few minutes to pick it up for her." He hung up the phone before I could catch my breath to respond. I went to my overflowing ironing basket and pulled out two white shirts for Don, a dress and set of play clothes for each of the girls and a cotton Sunday dress for myself. When Bro Morton arrived and took one look at the small bag he laughed saying," I know you have more ironing to be done than this. My wife won't be happy with me if this is all I bring home. She was looking forward to having something to keep her busy today." I was embarrassed to give him such a large pile of ironing but I knew I couldn't argue with him....or with God. "I'll bring these back later today," my dear friend hollowed as he opened his car door.

I finished putting the clothes in the washer and was pulling out cleaning supplies when there was another knock on the door. Bro. McCullough, one of our deacons and our neighbor across the street was standing with a bag. "We butchered last week and I thought you could use a nice beef roast for Sunday lunch tomorrow," he announced. "My wife included some potatoes and carrots in the bag to go with the roast." I was choking back the tears while saying thanks when I saw two of our teen girls walking towards the house. Bro McCullough greeted the girls as passed on the sidewalk.

"Sis. Hintz can we stay here for awhile till our dad picks us up?" Elayne asked. "Sure," I responded while pulling out the dusting supplies and vacuum cleaner. "You look tired," Liz said. I told them about being up all night and the work that still lay ahead of me. Elayne looked over at Liz and then said, "We'll clean your house for you. Just tell us what you want done and you can go take a nap for awhile." I didn't argue. I gave them instructions and told them to call me when Sandra woke up. I don't think I even remember hitting the bed.

I didn't wake up until the late afternoon. The house was completely quiet. Sandra wasn't in her room. The clothes were folded on the dryer, the house was clean and there was a note on the table. The note said, "Thanks for letting us clean your house. We had a good time. Sis. Hanson put Sandra in the stroller and walked into town with her. She'll bring her home later. Pastor is in his office at the church. See you tomorrow. P. S. Sis. Hanson brought you some homemade soup and corn bread for dinner."

With the note still in my hand I slowly sat down in the rocking chair. I felt rested, the house was clean, food and dessert was available for Sunday's lunch, dinner for that night was on the stove, my ironing was being done and Sandra was being spoiled by her adopted "grandma". "Lord, I just asked for supernatural strength to get my work done," I prayed, "but you had another plan. You nudged a whole circle of your children to bless their Pastor's wife today." I felt like a small child that had just crawled up in her daddy's lap for a big hug. Tears of thanksgiving flowed freely as I sat alone in the quiet house.

"Proverbs 16:9 says, "We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps."(NLT) I had plans tonight but things didn't turn out the way I expected. I can't help but wonder why this story came to my mind 40 yrs after it took place. Does someone need to be reminded to "Cast all their anxiety on Him because He cares for you?" I Peter 5:7 (NIV) I can tell you from personal experience.... our Father really does care for His children.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Is That You Speaking, Lord?

Today a serviceman came to change my phone over to another company. I was excited over the good deal I was getting but yet I felt a check in my spirit. "Lord, if this is not the right thing for me to do, please show me," I prayed before he arrived. As the serviceman was looking for hook-ups I asked him if this was the regular cost of bundling the phone and internet. Without hesitation he said, "O, this is just a promo. In three or six months it will be more than twice this amount." No one had told me this was just a promotional price.

I must have looked confused because the nice gentleman said, "Are you sure this is what you want to do? It will cost you big to change it back in several months if you can't afford the regular amount." I knew this was the Lord leading me to stay with what I have.

I'm so grateful that God can see the future and He knows what is best for us. I remembered an incident that happened right after Don passed away. A lady (I didn't know her very well) came up to me after church one Sunday. She handed me a sympathy card and then she said," I don't want you to think that I'm crazy when you see the amount I put on the check inside the card. I wanted to take it to the even fact, I did that, but I felt God was telling me to write it for this uneven amount so I tore up the check and rewrote it. Now, I'm just trusting I was really hearing the Lord." I gave her a hug and thanked her for listening to the small voice inside her.

When I arrived home, I looked at the check. It was for $74.26. "Lord, I know you have a special purpose for this check," I prayed, "so I'm going to put it in the drawer and wait for you to show me what it is for." At the end of the month my bills were coming in. When I saw my gas bill, it sounded familiar. I ran to the drawer and pulled out the check and the tears began to flow. The bill was for the exact amount of the check, $74.26.

On Sunday morning I put the bill and the check in my purse. As I was walking across the parking lot after church, I saw the lady who had given it to me. When I showed her the bill and check she fell into my arms sobbing uncontrollably. We stood there, both crying, unable to say anything except, "Thank you, Jesus!

I discovered this situation was not only to meet my needs but God was meeting a need in the life of my new friend. She shared how she had been discouraged, depressed, and couldn't seem to connect with God. She cried out to Him, "Please show me that you are there....that you care." The next day she read that Don had passed away and her heart was touched. She remembered how he had greeted her in the foyer at church and how his joyful spirit always lifted her up.
When she chose a card to give to me God spoke loud and clear in her heart to write me a check for $74.26. The incident not only showed her that God was there, but also assured her that she could still hear His voice. It also was exactly what I needed to help me through the next three months when I didn't have any income. I knew God was taking care of me...and He did.

I'm a little disappointed that I won't have long distance, calling ID or the eleven other amenities (whatever they are) that the new company promised but there is no amount of amenities that can take the place of PEACE in my heart because I have followed the Lord's leading. I am learning to "Trust in the Lord with all my heart and not depend on my own understanding. I want to seek His will in all I do and then know He is directing my paths." Proverbs 3:5,6 (NLT personalized) Is that You speaking, Lord? Your daughter is listening.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Paint Job

I looked up this morning and saw a nice size cobweb hanging on my bright yellow wall. I decided it was time to get the dust mop and rid my home of unwanted guest. As I cleaned I had an overwhelming gratefulness pour over me as I remembered God's faithfulness in helping me get my home painted two summers ago.

Heating by wood is not the cleanest means of warmth. The inside of my house really needed a good paint job. I asked God to help me figure out how to get it done. The estimates I had received from painters were not in my budget. I wrote my request in my prayer book and prayed about it all summer but it was as if God hadn't heard me. Winter came and my walls were still dirty.

The next spring I wrote the request in my prayer book again and asked God to please lay it on someone's heart to help me. I had all kind of ideas on who might be able to help me but I knew from experience that it is best to keep quiet and let God take care of it.

On June 24th, I received an email from a man I hadn't seen in many years. His daughter had been in my daycare when she was young and now she was grown and married. The email said, "Hi, Pat. Jim B. here. Was just talking with Lynn and we would like to send a work blessing crew to your home. This would be crew of 4 adult men, three of whom are working their way through various addictive/destructive behaviors....good guys that made wrong decisions. Let me know how this group of hard working guys could help you....inside or out....all different skills are represented. We will handle all cost of this."

I sat in shock for a few minutes. I would never have guessed in a million years who God had chosen to help me. Jim, Lynn, and the men came early one morning and by the end of a long day they had primed and painted the inside of my home, as well as made some other needed repairs.

While the men were painting, I told them stories of how God had miraculously taken care of me. Jim later told me that God had not only brought us together to get my house painted, but also because these new Christians needed to understand how much God loves His children.

I asked Jim what made him call me. He said while he was doing his devotions, God spoke to his heart to give me a call. God put together a man wanting to serve, a widow desperately needing help, and some young men trying to get their lives together, even though we lived an hour and a half away from each other. What an awesome God!

The Bible says, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1 The year earlier, when I so desperately wanted to get the paint job accomplished, God knew about three young men that needed another year to get their lives ready to hear a grandma's stories. I am not a patient person, especially with spiders in spider webs on my walls, but I pray that when it comes to waiting on God, I can learn to say, "But I trust in you, O Lord: I say, 'You are my God'. My times are in your hands...." Psalm 31:14,15