Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Letter 2010

"Mine," Sandra whispered as she headed toward the child size piano and stool. Without even noticing the other gifts around the tree, she sat down and started hitting the keys with one finger. The year was 1968. Sandra was 21 months old. Don and I both had tears in our eyes as we watched the excitement of our first born.

Don was pastor of a little church in Packwood, WA. Our meager salary did not include extras for purchasing Christmas presents. A couple of ladies from the church invited me to go with them on a shopping trip into the city. It was a fun day looking, talking, and laughing as they bought gifts, marking off the names on their lists. My one purchase of the day was a small toy for Sandra that cost $1.50.

Don enjoyed going into the woods with the men from church to cut our Christmas tree but I could tell it made him feel bad to have only one wrapped gift under the tree. On Christmas Eve, one by one, families from the church stopped by with a present to put under the tree for Sandra June. The Sunday before, the board had presented our family with a pole lamp for our Christmas gift so we were really surprised by all of these gifts for our little one. Our tree was bursting with wrapped gifts of all sizes when about 10:00 pm another knock came to our front door. Don opened the door and there sat the little black piano and stool with a note, "To Sandra from Santa Clause". Don looked at me and with a broken voice he said, "God is so good."

Friends, forty two years years later I still say, "God is so good." That doesn't mean everything has been perfect with no sacrifice or pain. It means no matter what I go through, I can trust God to be with me "and I know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

I am so thankful for my family and the joy they all are in my life. I'll share a few things going on with them this year:

1. Danielle and Darren are expecting a son to be born around January 12th. I am looking forward to welcoming my great grandson, Daniel Thomas to the family. Also Danielle and Darren will be graduating from Southwestern University of the Assemblies of God this month. They are in the process of getting ministerial credentials and looking forward to God's next step in their lives.

2. Clayton, Valerie's oldest son, received a scholarship to Northwest University through the Acts Six Program. He is enjoying his first year of college life in Kirkland, WA.

3. Dominique and Sandra are now the proud owners of "The German Bakery and Coffee Shop" in Lakewood, WA. If you are ever in the area, stop by for lunch or for coffee and one of his yummy German pastries. Be sure and say hi to Dominique who will be in the kitchen.

4. Michael, Sandra's son who attends college in California, was hurt during wrestling and ended up having extensive knee surgery. He's struggling with not being able to wrestle for awhile.

5. I'm happy to have Elaine move back in our area after working in Alaska the last two years. She is an Escrow Officer with Old Republic Title in Puyallup.

6. Kirsten, Elaine's daughter, is having a new experience this year. She is teaching a combined classroom of first and second graders. Her students at Mt. View Elementary School in Puyallup keep her on her toes.

7. The youth band and choir from our church recently made a professional CD. All of the songs were written by members of the band. Quinton, Meghan, Danielle and Darren were a part of this exciting experience. I'm look forward to the CD coming out on December 12th.

8. Valerie has been working hard at her photography business while home schooling Quinton and Preston. Her son, Dalton, a sophomore this year, is very busy with ROTC, band, and wrestling.

9. Shirley keeps busy with her job at Intel and her four grandchildren. She and Neal bought a small RV so they can "play" with the grandchildren in comfort.

My sister, June and her husband drove out from North Carolina to see me in July. We had a wonderful week and it was hard to say goodby. Seems the older I get the more I miss her. She is not just a sister...she is my friend, my prayer partner, my cheering fan, and I love the hours we spend on the phone sharing every event in our lives.

My season of life has changed since that first Christmas we spent in Packwood. Instead of meeting the needs of my children, they watch over me and take care of chores I can no longer do. Instead of writing church bulletins and directing Christmas plays I now enjoy hosting a Bible Study table, doing devotions for my widow's group, playing the piano for a couple of Senior groups, being a part of the wonderful changes in Teen Challenge Women, and most of all being a prayer partner and support of my grandchildren and their activities.

It doesn't matter what season of life you are in right now, the most important thing to remember is "Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for Him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern." (Matthew 6:32 NLT) Jesus is not only the "reason for the season"....He is the reason "We can have life, and have it in all its fullness." (John 10:10 NLT)

Wishing my family and friends a joyful "Jesus" celebration.


  1. I loved this a lot! God's been teaching me a lot about this lately. =] He is definitely better than we can even imagine!

    It is cool that you are posting this as I am learning about it. =]
