Thursday, December 23, 2021


Christmas 2021

“Every good and perfect gift is from above..” James 1:17


              I was shocked!  Don came home from the men’s breakfast with a key. A key to a house owned by Don’s new friend he had just met that morning.  We had always lived in a parsonage next door to the church, and I enjoyed that arrangement. Having to rent a house for our recent move, brought out a desire in my heart I never noticed before… how special it would be to have a home we could call our own.

“Go look at the house and we’ll meet and talk,” the owner had said. The first thing I noticed was how perfect it would be for the daycare I had always wanted to open. It had a complete 2-bedroom daylight apartment with a big family room, tiny kitchen and bathroom.  “We can never afford this,” I complained to my husband. “Keep in mind that God still performs miracles.,” Don responded.


 A MIRACLE it was. The owner sold us the house for a low price, with no down payment…..and worked out an arrangement which gave us time to get the daycare going.  I did daycare and pre-school in that house for 19 years.


Today Valerie and I went shopping for stocking stuffers.  I was reminiscing all the wonderful gifts God has given me over the years. My mind went again to our home in Renton. Eventually we moved my daycare into the renovated garage upstairs. That little apartment downstairs became a blessing to so many people. Two of our girls lived there with their families for several years while they saved money. Several other people found a haven there when they needed it. God not only gave us the desires of our hearts, but He also gave us the perfect GIFT to meet our needs and bring glory to His name.


Our family was given two perfect gifts this year. Sweet Graysen Deene McAlister was born to Michael and Lauren on January 24th.  She came a little early and spent numerous days in the hospital. We met her this summer, and she is a precious, happy, active little bundle of joy. Opa Dom and Oma Sandra are excited to see her in California soon.

Little James Lee Hines joined Dalton and Valeria’s family on November 30th. He is so sweet and lets us all take turns loving on him. He enjoys the smooches from his sister and brother, Ava and Theo.  Opa Jim, and Oma Valerie are ecstatic over this precious new bundle from heaven.


My family members are all doing well. I had an eight day stay in the hospital with pneumonia in March. Thank you for all the prayers which carried me through the difficult days.


“Every good and perfect gift is from above..” (James 1:17) I love getting gifts but

I’m also thankful God doesn’t always give us what we think we want. He sees our everyday lives and our future, and we can trust Him with both. During this Christmas season, I am grateful for the greatest GIFT every given. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  (John 3:16 NIV)  Thank God for this GIFT too wonderful for words.”  (2 Corinthians 9:35 NLT)


              I appreciate the gift of my wonderful family and many friends. I pray 2022 will be a blessed year for each one and you will understand with much clarity Jesus’ words in John 10:10. “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” (NLT) Let’s keep our eyes and heart on God’s perfect GIFT that never stops GIVING.

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