Friday, December 15, 2023


Christmas 2023


It was Sunday, June 1st, my husband’s 59th birthday. He was teaching his Sunday School class in a portable at church. The class was almost over when in walked 4 ladies carrying bananas like they were guns and shouting, “Don’t anyone move. We won’t hurt you… we just want this man.” They walked up to my husband, put a blindfold on him, and headed out the door. The class broke out in laughter as they saw  their teacher, Pastor Don, and his four daughters leave the portable. The girls kept him blindfolded until they reached the Super Mall and had him on the Merry-go- Round. They were on a mission… to get out of the church parking lot before the crowds …to celebrate their dad with a fun afternoon, and to buy him his first real pair of tennis shoes.


  A ride on a horse, lunch, and much laughter as they made him try on every funny shoe they could find, filled the few hours they had before he needed to return for our home group. He came home giggling in his new Niki sneakers. I had volunteered to babysit all the grandkids so the girls could enjoy their dad. He walked in the door, held up his foot, and while laughing said, “I’m wearing the checkmark.” He loved to celebrate…each of the girls and grandkids….and enjoyed it when they celebrated him.


 Don was a strong, compassionate, and active man that enjoyed life. No one in our family expected that three years later, he would be in heaven with the Christ he loved and served passionately.

His short bout with cancer shocked us into learning to navigate without the patriot of our family.

I had also experienced a complete “physical and emotional upheaving” of my life at 7 years-old when my 29-year-old father was taken from us in a tragic accident at his job. My heart hurts every time I share the sadness of a friend or family member who is grieving the loss of a loved one. 


              As I recently began to prepare my heart for the Christmas season, I was reading some of the prophesies of Christ in the Old Testament. The words, “Everlasting Father” in Isaiah 9:6 jumped out at me. I stretched my arms heavenward, and shouted out praise for the promise of a Father who is Everlasting….who will be with us and never leave or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:8). I felt like CELEBRATING …not a birthday….not a season….but my Heavenly Father who has been with me for 80 years…loving me, comforting me, providing miracles for me, carrying me through the hard times, and being my friend and helper every day. He has also been with my family, for which I thank Him often.


1.        January 2nd I was surprised with the best 80th birthday party possible. The girls, their husbands, and grandchildren did it up BIG in a 50’s theme, turning the Café Lalague German Pastry Shop into a Hip-Hop-Soda-Shoppe. I was so happy to see loved ones I haven’t seen in years.

2.       My granddaughter, Kirstin Linkem and the twins will have a new house in 2024. Her husband, Josh is in the process of building it now. There’s much excitement as the changes take place.

3.       Grandson, Dalton and Valeria and their 3 children are excited to spend Christmas in their first

own home. They got the keys on December 8th and their emotions run from “giddy to teary” in gratefulness of God providing their dwelling with every detail they desired. It’s located in Milton, WA. Dalton is also very thankful for his new job, “cable splicer for Seattle City Light”, which started August 16th.

4.       On July 19th, Great-grandson, Holston Wayne Hines was born to Preston and Keave. He was 8 weeks early and weighed 4.2 lbs. They were able to take him home on August 25th, weighing over 6 lbs. He is growing and so precious.

5.       “McAlister Training”, owned by Grandson, Michael and Loren, grew out of their fitness studio. They renovated a larger facility with an open house on March 31st. At their annual, month-long challenge, “McToberfest” fundraiser, they raised over $24,000 for The Family Care Network which provides support and services to children and families impacted by trama.

6.       Grandson Clayton Hines was able to come home from the Marines for a short visit the week of June 19th. My heart was so happy since I hadn’t seen him for several years.

7.       Granddaughter, Meghan May went on a mission trip to Uganda, Africa August 6th for a month of using her teaching and artistic skills to bring God’s love to refugees in an orphanage.

8.       On September 24th, my granddaughter, Danielle Laycock was commissioned as a full-time associate pastor for Sound Life Church, Orting Valley Campus. Pastor Darren is not complaining about having his “best friend” as his associate for their growing campus.

9.       Daughter, Sandra, and Dominique left December 9th for a trip to Germany to enjoy family and friends there.

10.   It’s been a joy to watch God work in some of my great grandchildren’s lives this year. Nothing thrills my heart more than to have them accept Jesus into their hearts or be baptized in water. My spirit melted last week when my 7-yr- old came home and said, “Oma Great, my favorite thing in kid’s church is worshipping God.”


It seems like December came so quickly, but as I look back on all the happenings, I realize what a blessed year it has been. The bonus of having three great-grandchildren and their parents in the house has brought much laughter, entertainment, and help to me. Since they have moved, it’s not easy getting used to no cute little voices greeting me during the day. Family is a wonderful gift and God has made it possible for all of us to be a member of His family. “…You received God’s Spirit when He adopted you as His own children. Now we call Him “Abba, Father.”  For His Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children.” Romans 8:15,16


I wish all my family and friends a joyous Jesus celebration and blessed New Year in God’s family. I would like to hear what God has been doing in your life and family.

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