Monday, May 4, 2009

Quinton's Heart

I came out of church on Sunday and found my grandson, Quinton, standing beside my car. “What’s up?” I asked as I walked toward the car. “I just wanted to help you,” he responded as he held open the car door for me. The grandchildren all know the code to the number pad on my door. What could be more precious to a grandma than to have a cute grandson waiting to hold the door for you?

Quinton is 11 years old but small for his age. He’s number three in Valerie’s line up of sons. When he was young, I filled up my “Oma’s Book of Stories” with cute things he did.

One of my favorites happened when Quinton was two. He had spent the day at his friend, Grant’s house. After he came home that evening, Grant’s mother called to talk to Valerie. “Tonight when I gave Grant his bath, I found teeth marks on his shoulder,” Janelle told her. “Oh, my goodness” Valerie responded. “I’ll go and talk to Quinton about it.”

Valerie took Quinton aside and asked him, “Did you do anything to Grant today while you were at his house?” Quinton didn’t hesitate to give his side of the story. “Grant wouldn’t give me back my superhero so I ate him,” he explained. Valerie knew Quinton had to be disciplined but she had to leave the room for a big laugh before she could get down to the serious matter at hand.

Quinton has entertained us many times with his cute ways but we are most grateful for his sensitive heart towards the Lord. On January 18, 2004, when he was 6 years old, he knelt with his mom by his bed and asked Jesus into his heart. This last year at the Youth Retreat, he had an extraordinary encounter with God. The Holy Spirit came over him and he was in the presence of God, at the altar worshipping for an hour and a half. It was an experience that will help Quinton to say, “For you are great and do marvelous deeds; You alone are God.” Psalm 86:10

I asked, “What could be more precious than a cute grandson holding your car door open for you?" The most precious thing to this Oma is to know that my cute grandson is holding his heart's door open to His Heavenly Father.

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