Monday, July 27, 2015

Celebrating Darren's 26 Birthday - July 27, 2015

I woke up to the smell of bacon cooking. I could hear the shower I knew Danielle wasn't I dreaming? yummy smell of bacon was definitely penetrating my bedroom.
The year was 2006.....Danielle was a senior in high school.....and living with me. She loved to go for a run in the early mornings. Since her first date with Darren Laycock on Valentine's Day he had suddenly taken a liking to running in the early morning also.
As I headed to the kitchen, I realized it was Saturday and the two D's didn't have to go their separate to Roger's High School.....the other to Running Start. Darren was standing in my kitchen cooking away....he had even stopped by his home to pick up his favorite electric frying pan......pancakes, bacon and eggs....for his best friend (she hadn't committed to being a girlfriend yet) and her Oma.
Darren was always thinking of ways to surprise, serve, or honor Danielle. After April 9th, when they acknowledged they were boyfriend/girlfriend......he would come up with creative, non-expensive ways to celebrate their monthly anniversaries. I always loved hearing about the picnic in a grassy field, dessert under the stars....or dancing to the music on his i-pod in the rain.
After they both headed to Southwestern College of the A/G in Texas, Darren still made sure his girl was taken care of. I was especially impressed when Danielle told me how he would take her wrinkled clothes to his dorm, iron them, and bring them back in the morning for her to wear. (She didn't seem sad that I had not remembered to get her an iron and ironing board for college)
I've prayed for God's best mates for my grandchildren since they were young....Danielle and I prayed together for who she was to marry.... we kept our eyes open for any "red flags" of problems ....we studied the characteristics of the Ministry gifts and decided what gift was dominate in each of the D's.....we explored what love language made them function best.....and when Darren proposed to Danielle on June 17, 2007 (on her 19th birthday)....I was thrilled....and convinced..... that this was God's will for my granddaughter.
Why am I reminiscing all this? Today is Darren's 26th birthday.....10 years after he first came by to give Danielle a ride to the youth group.
The D's have been married 7 years....they have two beautiful sons....they are both ordained ministers and serving in youth ministry as a team. I thank God for answering our prayer.
Happy Birthday to Darren Laycock, my son-in-love....God's gift to Danielle Daniel and Drew..... and our whole family.

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